Monday, November 13, 2006


As a requirement for a subject of mine, Journ 121 (The Electronic Newsroom... ooh, I like the sound of that), we've been assigned to make blogs that follow proper blogging etiquette.

I've been blogging ever since I was in high school, just because i wasted too much paper, and I misplaced a lot of my old diaries.

I never knew there was such a thing as "blogging etiquette" til now.

This is going to be my 5th blog to date. I still keep my 1st blog; I made a second blog when I found out my first blog wasn't as unaccesible as I had first thought yet it now serves as a venting for information I'd like to keep available for myself that i cannot post on the 1st blog; the third blog was supposed to be public, where I'd post comments on certain issues. I deleted it because I got bored with the template; the fourth blog isn't an actual blog, but an account on a website that hosts art. I post my more acceptable poems there and some of my sketches and attempts at digital art there for comments.The site has a journal feature so I call it my fourth blog. And this shall be my 5th blog, where I shall post comments on relevant issues. Anything from the demotion of Pluto to the color of day-old undies.

When i started blogging, I thought I was a good enough writer. i thought my issues were deep, eye-opening and readable. When I browse my first entries, I can't help but laugh, and let out a sneeze or two. My blog was my diary, my sanctuary. It spoke every now and then regarding my problems and for a while, I'd think somebody did understand me. Months later, blogs became the "in" thing. My blog suddenly became a common, insignificant proof that i was a slave to fad. for a time I started ignoring my blog. Until I visited it no longer. But I could never abandon my oldest friend. I went back to blogging just after 4 months.

I'm such a loser sometimes. Bear with me :)

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Hey i've read your blog about stage moms.....
until now I still love to read it again....
hope there will be more interesting stories from you