Tuesday, December 30, 2008

Jane was better than Tarzan

Those in Bold have been accomplished.

1.)Learn how to drive a car
2.)Earn $1000 (Just to know how it feels like)
3.)Cook a full course meal
4.)Learn how to sew (tried and failed. My fingers refuse to weild the needle)
5.)Write a book
6.)Climb a mountain
7.)Film an indie flick
8.)Sell a print on DA (lulz)
9.)Go to Bohol
10.)Pose nude
11.)Organize a surprise party (also tried and failed. twice.)
12.)Contribute to Reader's Digest
13.)Make the Dean's list (ala lang)
15.)Learn how to speak another language
16.)Visit another country
17.)See someone die
18.)Watch a birthing
19.)Perform onstage for theater
20.)Have an album launched for my band, Dama de Noche

Tarzan lived in the mountains all his life. Jane just learned to adjust.

I didn't really go on a real climb, but a mountain trek. My mom says that counts for accomplishing #6. But I still want to get to the top of a mountain at least once while I still can.

We crossed the sea to get to the tip of Northern Leyte to hunt for the perfect Mahogany tree for several building projects my mom's starting on. The said tree was deep in a family friend's property in the forests of Caryucan. All mommy had to do was pick which one she wanted, and they'd have it chopped up in planks and posts to be delivered to our beach.

Our hosts were the Dagotdots, relatives through my Lolo Tonio's side. Their house, built in the 60's, was a bigger version than the one lolo built in Naval, albeit with a lower ceiling.

Mommy's cousin, Uncle Jun2, dropped us off at Tito Apollo's place. Although the trip was short, the roads were rough.

Tito Pol was the modern day Tarzan. He loled us with stories for every plant. He insisted that one was a cure for cancer, while another was a cure for AIDS. And although I doubt his expertise on the medicinal properties of his plants (he'd named a weird berry the AIDS cure 6 years ago, when I first visited), he doesnt have a single white hair on his head. And the supposed Cancer cure had yummy leaves.

He insisted on living alone on his 50-hectare property, and had been married once, to a woman who has been around the world after divorcing him. Out of the marriage came two children, who he says care nothing about the outdoors. Hermitage comes with its downs too. He told me he'd make me eligible for inheritance if I could live there and take care of him in his old age. My mom joked that he'd have a private room reserved at the hospital if that was the case. :))

The haciendero led the way up the mountain, piping that he used to take that trek everyday some years ago. My mom asked us to stop about a quarter of the trek to catch her breath. We got to a clearing where the trail was lined by a row of flowering Maria de Cacao. On the left was a corn field and a little hut. Picture perfect. I regret not owning a camera.

Onwards was another field, except the corn stalks hadnt grown yet. Beyond were huge trees and white migratory birds on the boughs. The trail was to the left, so I couldnt go near enough to place what trees those were.

Half the trek was a man-made forest of young Mahogany, and a little beyond it were golden bamboo. There was a sad little pomelo fruit in the grass, with a chip in it's skin. For the rest of the trek, I tore at it with my bare hands and gobbled it up. So that it would party with the tapa I had earlier in the day and would no longer be sad.

Then the ground started getting muddier. I left my slippers in a neat little pile while my mom's fell into the mud. After my mom picked her tree(s), we went back, hunted for her slippers, then went back to Tito Pol's shed to collect more plants.

My mom pointed out a rock to me, and told me everything growing on it had medicinal properties. Before that point, I thought they were just weeds. She had me collect a bunch of Tawa-tawa, with the roots. I'd collected some other form of weed and brought it to my mom, hoping it was still useful. Apparently not. >.<

We went back to the house green and red (from scratches incurred in the forest) and met a very shy (albeit articulate) 2 -year old. Her name was Lara and she was plump, the way I was when I was her age. Within an hour, I had managed to trick her to let me carry her. She was as adorable as she was heavy. Very very.

By evening, she had made me her shoe-fitter/sandal-strapper/vicks-applier/fruit-peeler/gift-unwrapper/trash-bearer, etc etc. in short, her personal slave. Muwehehehe.

There was nothing else to do at night, except sleep. I tried remembering all the weird horror stories I heard the last time I was in those parts, but instead of scaring me, the memories coupled with the sea breeze and the thrashing mango trees out the windows put me to sleep (only for me to wake up at 1am due to insomnia).

Before we went home, my mom got herself handfuls (mine) of ornamental plants. Then we hopped onto a boat and rode the waves back home. Booyah.

I'd love to go back sometime to visit. I'd actually rather live there in the breaks than in Naval. If only there were wifi, it'd be perfect.

Saturday, December 27, 2008

Taken from Ate Al

1. What did you do in 2008 that you'd never done before?

- Acquired a nightlife(?); learned how to drive; went to an orphanage; sang and danced to madonna; starred in an indie flick; went to Bohol; posed nude for a painting; LARPed; etc etc etc

2. Did you keep your new years' resolutions, and will you make more for next year?

- I didn't make any :D

3. Did anyone close to you give birth?

- None that I know of

4. Did anyone close to you die?

- None this year.

5. What countries did you visit?

- None. :(

6. What would you like to have in 2009 that you lacked in 2008?

- Money :(

7. What date from 2008 will remain etched upon your memory, and why?

- Thinking of less incriminating dates... err, fail >.<

8. What was your biggest achievement of the year?

- Being honest to myself

9. What was your biggest failure?

- Not being able to manage my time more efficiently

10. Did you suffer illness or injury?

- Yup, every now and then

11. What was the best thing you bought?

- Felix XD

12. Whose behavior merited celebration?

- Secret. But patience is a good thing. Thanks :D

13. Whose behavior made you appalled and depressed?

- Miscommunication can be a bitch. Secret din.

14. Where did most of your money go?

- Food -_-;;

15. What did you get really, really, really excited about?

- DnD

16. What song will always remind you of 2008?

- I Touch Myself - Jack Off Jill

17. Compared to this time last year, are you:

i. happier or sadder? Happier. I feel loved this season compared to the last.

ii. thinner or fatter? Fatter, but fitter atm, I just came from the gym

iii. richer or poorer? Poorer. hahaha. More stuff to spend on

18. What do you wish you'd done more of?

- I wish I was more assertive with what I wanted

19. What do you wish you'd done less of?

- procrastinate

20. How will you be spending Christmas?

- in the arms of food and artificial lurve

22. Did you fall in love in 2008?

- Yep

23. How many one-night stands?

- Wouldnt you like to know?

24. What was your favorite TV program?

- I didn't see much TV. There was Dexter tho...

25. Do you hate anyone now that you didn't hate this time last year?

- Sorta. Not enough to merit hate tho. Just indignation.

26. What was the best book you read?

- Brother Todd, Dean Koontz.

27. What was your greatest musical discovery?

- Jack Johnson

28. What did you want and got?

- A white wig; a laptop; a couple of fellow insomniacs

-Note: I just copy-pasted this "survey" from a friend's page and it's really missing 29.- (I think this anomaly has made this meme unique, hehehe.)

30. What was your favorite film of this year?

- 10000 BC. I liked it. But the bulk of movies I'd seen this year weren't from 2008

31. What did you do on your birthday, and how old were you?

- I was doing a pictorial in a bikini. Zy said if she didn't know me, she'd think I looked like a sun person. I turned 19

32. What one thing would have made your year immeasurably more satisfying?

- A secretary. Haha.

33. How would you describe your personal fashion concept in 2008?

- More laid back. More comfy. More t-shirts.

34. What kept you sane?


35. Which celebrity/public figure did you fancy the most?

- Elvira, mistress of the dark, Cassandra Peterson irl

36. What political issue stirred you the most?

- Local politics, particularly where local celebrities are prioritized over social services. no further comment.

37. Who did you miss?

- I miss my band

38. Who was the best new person you met?

- Too many to mention.

39. Tell us a valuable life lesson you learned in 2008:

- To be able to be everywhere, nobody has to notice

40. Quote a song lyric that sums up your year:

- Jai Guru Deva Om (if I were feeling more emo right now, I'd prolly come up with a better phrase)

Friday, December 26, 2008

The Tale of Two Sisters

I am bored out of my wits. There is absolutely nobody to talk to here for intellectual stimulation. Anyway, to make up for it, my dreams have become trippy once again. The day before, I had a dream about a terrorist attack that turned into sap. Today, I was at a pool with old friends from High School (ones I acquired towards graduation). As soon as I got home, I checked mail for a bit and went to sleep. The following is what I can make out of the last dream I had before waking up:

[18:18] Pangs: bumbumbum
[18:18] Pangs: you are in a dream world. your fingers will soon melt into clouds of orange caterpillars. Enjoy your flamingo.
[18:18] mute_laughter89:
[18:18] mute_laughter89: i achuli WAS in the dreamworld a few minutes ago
[18:19] mute_laughter89: in the dream,
[18:19] mute_laughter89: there were two girls with us
[18:19] mute_laughter89: in the rubble of a building
[18:19] mute_laughter89: one of them was wearing a chipped bow
[18:19] mute_laughter89: as if the bow were made of ceramic
[18:19] mute_laughter89: the girls were half sisters and cousins
[18:19] mute_laughter89: cousins through their mothers who were sisters
[18:20] mute_laughter89: the one with the chipped bow was supposed to have been the well off one for some reason
[18:20] mute_laughter89: the girls found an electric plug
[18:21] mute_laughter89: that opened to a hollow in a corner in the wall
[18:21] mute_laughter89: and in the corner was the head of a fetus
[18:21] mute_laughter89: which was connected to another zombified fetus
[18:21] mute_laughter89: and another and another
[18:21] mute_laughter89: colorful in fernes
[18:21] mute_laughter89: they linked to what looked like two pyramids connected to each other to look like a diamond.
[18:22] mute_laughter89: and the world shattered as soon as we realized what the thing was
[18:23] mute_laughter89: then we follow the adventures of the two girls
[18:23] mute_laughter89: who'd appear briefly in a memory
[18:23] mute_laughter89: Apparently they were the existence of two possibilities
[18:23] mute_laughter89: if the other was to be born, the other would not
[18:23] mute_laughter89: or summink like that

In my dream, I saw the girls in random places around Manila --Places I'd been to back when I still lived there and during my internship. There was a brief interval where I searched a house for my toothbrush.

Wednesday, December 24, 2008


I went to mass with the family tonight since mommy's choir was going to be singing christmas carols. The priest gave a funny story in the middle of his sermon. It wasn't meant to be funny, but my mind does weird things to information. The story he told was of San Antonio de Padua. According to the priest, San Antonio opened the doors for carollers when he was still a little kid. One day, he opened the door to a kid his age. The kid had a sack with him. This is the conversation that ensued:

Antonio: You want bread?
Kid with sack: *shakes head* I want something else
Antonio: Whachu got in the sack?
Kid with sack: *opens sack, full of human hearts* I want your heart
Antonio: ...


Remember kids, the next time some stranger asks for any of your vital organs, you have to readily offer it, along with your life and your soul, and those of your family members. Merry Xmas ;)

Also, my good friend Zy pointed out that
1. There were no carollers round the parts where Antonio de Padua grew up. Carollers, btw, are Francis of Assisi's fault. This piece of info is c/o my good friend Zyra
2. Anthony grew up in a wealthy household. They had DOORMEN to open gates; then doors for carollers. If there were any carollers. Which there weren't.


I wonder where my brother went with my christmas money...

Sunday, December 21, 2008

Break na tayo

After an entire night playing Guitar Hero at a friend's place last night, I hopped onto the first Supercat boat heading Ormoc and slept through most of the trip. Despite trying to get off the boat earlier than others to catch a van to Naval, there were none for at least 30 minutes. Despite the crappy circumstances that I'm more than happy to forget about surrounding that Van ride, I slept through most of it and arrived in Naval in an hour and 30.

I was met by insane guitar duets by the Lucente brothers (my cousins rawk) and a newly shaved formerly badjao brother on my bed. I unpacked, fell on a bed, and slept.

I was prolly asleep for 3 hours when the youngest Lucente, Dan, glomped me. I felt a tickling sensation on the sole of my foot and I snapped at Dan to leave me alone. Apparently it was my mom, come to ask if I'd dropped off my laundry downstairs to be attended to >.<;;

xmas break na talaga :3


When I regain my faculties, I shall blog about the DnD game yesterday. I missed Cravenwall too. And I've levelled up XD

Wednesday, December 17, 2008

Update on my 20 before 20 list

It's December, and I have 4 months before I turn 20.
Those in italics have been accomplished.

1.)Learn how to drive a car
2.)Earn $1000 (Just to know how it feels like)
3.)Cook a full course meal
4.)Learn how to sew (tried and failed. My fingers refuse to weild the needle)
5.)Write a book
6.)Climb a mountain
7.)Film an indie flick
8.)Sell a print on DA (lulz)
9.)Go to Bohol
10.)Pose nude
11.)Organize a surprise party (also tried and failed. twice.)
12.)Contribute to Reader's Digest
13.)Make the Dean's list (ala lang)
15.)Learn how to speak another language
16.)Visit another country
17.)See someone die
18.)Watch a birthing
19.)Perform onstage for theater
20.)Have an album launched for my band, Dama de Noche

Sunday, December 14, 2008

Otaku Fest

Wednesday, December 03, 2008

Playlist Memes

The rules are simple:
1. Put your music player on shuffle.
2. Press forward for each question.
3. Use the song title as the answer to the question even if it doesn't make sense. NO CHEATING!

1. What are you feeling today?
>Rock n Roll High School - The Ramones


2. Will you get far in life?
>Ang PagIbig Kong Ito - Moonstar88


3. How do your friends see you?
>You'll Be Safe Here - Rivermaya

Yes my friends, I will protect you from harm *snicker snicker*

4. Will you get married?
>India - Xandria

Forward we sail into the unknown
We have no fear we´re sacred
We´re going to where no one has gone before
Keep on til we have reached the sunset
There will be no withdrawal
We´re heading for the the treasures of India

I will get married if I go to India =))

5. What is your best friend's theme song?
>Under the Bridge - Red hot Chili Peppers

Its hard to believe
That theres nobody out there
Its hard to believe
That Im all alone
At least I have her love
The city she loves me
Lonely as I am
Together we cry

Cebu loves me? :3
bayuta gud

6. What is the story of your life?
>Sweet Dreams - Marilyn Manson

0.o sentimentality was one of my faults

7. What was high school like?
>One - Mary J. Blige

Tragic love story much.

8. How can you get ahead in life?
>I Want You - Across the Universe soundtrack

Propaganda will get me ahead in life!!!

9. What is the best thing about your friends?
>I Must Be Dreaming - Evanescene


10. What is today going to be like?
>Stand By Your Man - The Dresden Dolls

Whut nao?

bayuta. Bigaon akong playlist

11. What is in store for the weekend?
>Civil War - Guns and Roses

Oh dear. This sounds ominous

12. What song describes you?
>Payaso - Razorback

Payaso is "Clown" in Tagalog. Gosh.

13. To describe your grandparents?
>Pop my Cherry - Fiona Apple and Marily Manson


14. How is your life going?
>It's Not Over - Chris Daughtry

Well obviously *rolls eyes*

15. What song will they play at your funeral?
>Circle - Sarah McLachlan


16. How does the world see you?
>Nightquest - Nightwish

Insomniacs R us... This makes me think of hunting for yogurt.

17. Will you have a happy life?
>Give It To Me - Madonna

Only if I ask for one I guess

18. What do your friends really think of you?
>Lacrymosa - Evanescence

I can't change who I am
not this time, I won't lie to keep you near me
and in this short life,
there's no time to waste on giving up
my love wasn't enough

ka-emo ninyo ba

19. Do people secretly lust after you?
>Listen to the rain - Evanescence

No way for me to know I guess

20. How can I make myself happy?
>Let's go get stoned - Ray Charles


21. What should you do with your life?
>Magic - Sino SiKat

Okaaaay...i shall become a powerful SORCERESS!!!

22. Will you ever have children?
>Slept So Long - OST Queen of the Damned

I will fall into a deep sleep and sleep through menopause. And I wanted kids too.


This didn't make any sense.

Monday, December 01, 2008

I crave, therefore I am

Late yesterday afternoon, I was online, wanting a bath (no water), when Nichole(diputangbakukang)'s stat message got to me. She was talking about the gloriousness that is yogurt. And I was wondering how Myats and my other classmates who'd gone to Manila were doing earlier, and if they'd gone to Yogurbud.

Pretty soon, I was drooling over the idea of frozen yogurt and hot cinnamon loaves... :E

When the water returned, I got bathed and met up with Paolo (nas0ren) and Nica at coffee dream for a food trip.

First stop was Vibe's, behind the Cebu Doc Hospital. I had their herb and spices chicken with beryani rice. The herb and spices chicken is great on its own (the spices go all the way to the bone... mhmm), but coupled with beryani rice and saffron sauce, it was HEAVENLY!!!!

Then we walked the length of the highway looking for yogurt and cinnamon bread. It was past 10, and the first thing we found was the bread. The yogurt was elusive.

We went to the gas station convenience stores and found not what we were looking for. We went across fuente circle to get to Mercury Drug. They had a ref with a promotional sticker of Nestle yogurt, but all it had inside was chamyto.

We walked on to Mango to check out the stores there. Still no yogurt. Hopped onto a cab and headed to the Mabolo korean convenience store to check if they had yogurt apart from Melona. On the way, Nica made us choose: Would you rather be/date a punk rocker with a lisp or an emo?

Lithpth are cute. :3

At the Korean convenience store, there was no yogurt, and no Melon Melona (!!!!)

We walked all the way uphill, and found Mango yogurt at 8 to 8, a convenience store/drinking place that allegedly sells the best fried kangkong in town. But Nica and I wouldnt settle for less. So we walked onwards, ending up in Sykes, and still finding nothing, dejectedly settled for 12-peso jelly pops. Eugh. We concluded that someone with a car had the same cravings we did, bought all the yogurt from Mercury drug store and all the Melona from the Korean convenience store T_T

Then Anton (overkill001) arrived on his mighty black steed *cough clit cough*. We went to Banilad. At the first convenience store, as I approached the refrigerators, I crossed my fingers while Nica chanted "yogurtyogurtyogurtyogurt". And IT WAS THERE!!!!

We all ended up in IT park, having a yogurt picnic on my cloak (effective blanket it made) while browsing igat girl bands. It wasn't excatly what I had in mind (Anton ate most of the cinnamon back at Sykes since I'd assumed we weren't going to get any yogurt at all), but the effort made the yogurt taste better.