Thursday, August 20, 2009

The theme of the day: Selling Out

Someone invited me to sing a demo of a song they were selling to an upcoming pop star today. I picked up a cousin on the way, when we started talking about pop stars. Ate Jean was talking about how Gretchen Espina (Pinoy Idol winner/elementary classmate) resurfaced on local tv just recently with a very different face from last time. I was saying I wouldn't be surprised if she actually had her face done for showbiz, no matter how much you like your own face, if general consensus doesn't agree, it's better to get surgery. It'd been a long time since I last talked to ate Jean, who gave me a look and told me she'd never imagined that kind of sentiment to come from stubborn, naturalist wittle me.

We got to Bigfoot, where the songwriter/composer duo rented a studio. It was the first time I'd done a recording, and even though it wasn't my song, the experience was exciting in itself. As soon as I heard the song, my face fell. It was a fast pop song. The song was basically about how hot the singer was, and that any boy who wanted to get with her should leave their shit at the door. The lulz part was that as a guide, Ben, the writer, recorded the song with his voice first. To me, it sounded very flamboyantly gay. I let the lulz help me through the ordeal. The song was meant for someone with a higher pitched voice, and it was a strain for me to sing, so that whenever I went flat or sharp, I whinced. Jaye, the Count-composer, told me not to worry, since they could easily edit my voice to adjust the sharps and flats and make it sound cleaner.

Ara: O.O you mean...
Ben: Oh you should hear Miley Cyrus before editing, there's really nothing there.

And here I was, pressured to get voice lessons because my voice didn't sound record-perfect, when it turns out half of the people on the airwaves owe their perfection to Cake Walk.

So I sold out. I sang their pop teen song and went home. In the taxi, ate Jean (who had been baptized "Diane" by Ben) asked me if I could still remember the song. I don't. My system flushed it out of me as soon as it could. Heeheehee

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