Sunday, December 10, 2006

Stormy Cebu

I love storms...

I love staying indoors while the storms destroy everything in sight...

I love having a reason to snuggle up in bed with socks on my feet and a mug of hot choco in my hand. I don't like choco but I like the warmth from the mug.

I love sleeping to the sound of rain outside my window, and waking up to the sound of rain still on my window.

I love walking around town just before a storm ends-when it's only drizzling.

I love picking up the spoils from a storm. I love wondering how the dead bird ended up dead on the sidewalk beside a dead cat.

I love the cold breeze that can't hurt me no matter how hard it blows because I'm warm in my socks and my unwashed hair.

I love the silence in the aftermath of the storm that only he sun can break.

I love not having to live under the sun before life resumes order and the chaos is swept over by street cleaners and irate mothers.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Warm as a worm in a dorm in a storm.
