Wednesday, July 29, 2009

I need a mindfuck/ wanted, roleplayers

School's boring again. I want something for my brain to screw around with lest I go on mental ulcer. I propose a Nobilis game.

Nobilis is a roleplaying game. This is how it works, according to wikipedia: the player characters are "Sovereign Powers" called the Nobilis; each Noble is the personification of an abstract concept or class of things such as Time, Death, cars, or communication. Unlike most role-playing games, Nobilis does not use dice or other random elements to determine the outcome of characters' actions, but instead uses a Karma-based system for task resolution.

Anyone can participate. Just pick a concept/ideology you want to embody. Here's a guide to making a character:

If you're interested, email me your character concept @ I'll send you a link to the handbook if you want to DL it.

Game will be conducted through email.

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