Friday, July 31, 2009

Too High To Care (Updharma Down Concert inspired)

"our sweetest songs are our saddest" - Percy Bysse Shelley

"the most universal thing in the world isn't love, but heartbreak" - Armi Millare, keyboards/vocals of Up Dharma Down, August 1, 2009 (not verbatum)


I was feeling lazy today, a bit chipper, but better than I'd been in a while. I was reading through facebook messages, one of which was from my cousin, Karl, who asked me if I was planning to go to the Updharmadown concert at ayala. Unfortunately, the concert had already started by the time I read the message. I was bent on hearing them at Handuraw tho, and I figured I'd at least be able to sit if I went early, compared to having to squeeze with the rest of the mall.

So I began my so-called "camp out" at 5pm. The concert was at 9. I spent the time by playing sims.

I am not a fangirl. I barely remember details about bands, like their members' names, what sort of personal hells they were going through to produce this and that song, etc etc. When I say I am a fan, I say it because I dig something. And I've digged Updharmadown ever since I first heard them.

I have to admit that personally, it's the vocals that got me hooked. It's not just that she has amazing control, but the quality of her voice as well. But vocals can only go so far (no matter how beautiful). Whoever makes their music is a real artist. If the vibe and music of the band didn't complement her singing perfectly, I wouldn't be this dumbstruck (I'm obviously not thinking this through). Nor might I have braved the odd looks from patrons for playing sims at a restaurant with the absence of a party/sidekick.

At 7, people started pouring in. A couple of bands were setting up, soundchecking and stuff. A band called the Undercover grasshoppers went first. They had a female vocalist, who did her own lead guitars. Cool. Initially, she sounded a bit Paramore-ish. The feeling sort of waned after the 2nd song.

The next band called themselves "Rescue A Hero". They brought in a synth, which raised my brow a bit. They soundchecked with it, which made me think they were actually using it. But they played their entire line up without ever using it. For shame. Music was okay, if you like pop, and if the off-key singing at times doesn't get to you.

Then Ian Zafra. Yes Ian Zafra. Some girl behind me screamed to make him get off the stage to make way for UdD. 'How rude' I thought, as I continued my solitaire game. (-_-;; speak for yourself)

And then he was gone, and we waited for what seemed like a gazillion years before UdD started their soundcheck. There were a few announcements over some cars that were blocking the driveway or something. By this time, I had shut down Felix and had just realized that the place was packed. I was wondering out loud how the vocalist would be able to pass. She came out at the kitchen, heralded by raised cellphones and digicams, all trying to take shots of her. She climbed over a banister to get to the stage. She asked for a bottle of water, read out announcements about cars being towed, and then a few minutes after 12 midnight, she began singing.

And then I died and went to heaven. Except there was only one angel. Who squinted her eyes and gritted her teeth every time she released a vibratto. But it was fine. She was still pretty. I couldn't take my eyes off her. Yay for being able to get a chair close to the stage xD

She was very composed, almost never made eye contact with the crowd, and spoke very little. She appealed to me no way any pompous "rock star" could because her voice alone had enough personality to swallow you whole and make you want to turn gay. Or something like that.

When she played "Oo", the audience of mostly girls started singing with her (including me). They played a couple of songs that I admittedly have never heard, but instantly fell in love with.

At 1:10, I left. I didn't wait for the band to finish their last song. I didn't wait til she could sign me an autograph or anything. I'd just seen the most inspiring performance of my entire life (so far. The last one was a ballet at the CCP when I was 7), and I was so giddy it almost felt criminal.

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