Wednesday, October 22, 2008

Relishing the sem break

For two days, I was dead to the world. I slept and slept and slept, and woke up in the evenings to lurk the intarwebs. And slept.

On the 3rd day, I went out with a bunch of office mates. Woah. "Went out with office mates" sounds weird. This coming from the girl who doesn't even go out with classmates. Aww, don't feel so bad *insert classmate's name currently reading post*, we'll go to a bar one of these nights and pretend neither of us feel weird about it.

It was a foreshadowing, that I would be working in the next couple of days.

But the only thing I'd done lately was a feature story on a Lapida maker. I interviewed the dude this morning, and fell asleep as soon as I went home. I had apparently forgotten that the story was due ASAP. And I want a lapida. A marble one will do just fine :3

I had a strange dream about old friends, where one of them turned into a clown working for a fair and the other wanting to keep me in her bag.

I woke up to work on my story, when Pangs and Fruhlein arrived. We all went to Ayna's place, where we met with future lady-killer, Jack (see what I mean about the Santiago idea?), before going to Big Foot with pizza.

I thinks my groom is afraid of me. :3 I likes him aredi :3 And liek Pangs said, I'm marrying the terminator. :3

On the way home, I was on a jeep, relating my motivations for my role with Pangs (method acting) in the first person. So I was basically telling him about sleeping with someone to compensate for the lack of passion in my real relationship and ending up falling for my fubu. There were 6 guys in the jeep, and all of them were eavesdropping. Sex sells.

Apart from which, I'll be going to Dumaguete this Friday, come back for a debut (Fruhlein's), shoot a party scene on All Hallow's Eve, and possibly actually party, and go over my screenplay with my AD.

And enrollment. No going home for me apparently.

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