Thursday, March 12, 2009

A Couple of Dreams in a Single Night

I had a weird dream, where
we visited a Joker/A Jack who had
a house like a canopy
Open in the midst of a garden
A walled aquarium
That looked like a brook
And a lot of strange pets;
One bat that looked like a puppy
And a cat that looked like a hyena

He used to have a birdhouse, but that story isn't for you

The Anthill

In a mountain was a family
of a King, his first
family, and his second family.
His first wife died, and his baby
disguised, so that when the second
wife came, she did not recognize
the baby as the crown princess

The baby had a betrothed,
who was imprisoned by the new queen
as she demanded he wed her own daughter
a huge ugly thing

He resisted, not for memory of his betrothed
But because he fell sick at the sight of
the new princess

Meanwhile the baby grew up in her
father's household as a servant
For her father had no power

But the servants spoke of the princess
As the heiress, and the queen feared
So she searched for the princess' wherabouts
Not knowing the child princess saw her
doing her magic, looking for the real heir

The real princess saw, but she did not
understand; for she herself didnt know who
she really was; Instead she went to school; made
lists for her class of things they should
be investigating; went to the concerts to fawn at
boys from the high school below their hillock
And thought unprincess-like thoughts

This mountain community lived by a road; used
by monsters who sent oiled slaves up the mountains -
Treants, to do their bidding

This treant, as it seemed, was female, so that
when she arrived to the top of the mountain;
her masters were displeased, so they sent her down carelessly
meaning for her to die; because the line of masters only sent up;
not back down

So halfway, she went on the same adventure she took upwards
Passing by a small brook with sweet water; and ending up in a lake
within a univerCity

At the univerCity is a small coffee shop; which is unlike any of our own
They have kilns with which one can cook one's own coffee and bread
And the coffee is roughened with milk from a seed; and a little dew is tossed in
So that the coffee tastes more like tea than coffee; and the water is from the
sweet tasting brook

And the univerCity is a cacophony of elements;

A woman and what seems to be a baby kissing

and it is revealed that the baby is a mountain-side native (for they are a short
stock and all look like human children); her lover


This is me trying to right my dreams down immediately after dreaming them; the mountain people in my dream were hobbit-like; and the treants had two forms: real uprooted trees; and strange monsters who looked like the aliens from that movie where Sigourney Weaver was bald.

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