Tuesday, September 02, 2008


There's nothing like a walk in a cemetery to remind you of your own mortality. I'd been sent to the cemetery for a story and ended up walking around. I was wondering why there were so many flowers that day and remembered it was Monday, cemetery day for most. I don't understand why it's on a Monday. Faith suggested maybe it's because it's Moon's Day. Hay whatever.

Monuments are only important if they stand for something. Little mounds on the ground and mausoleums included. It doesn't matter if your bag of bones is sitting under that plaque, it's what you represent and how that representation matters to the living that counts.

Which brings me back to the thought: What do I stand for? With all my issues against contradictions and being a contradiction myself, have I preempted my fate by truly becoming Doubt incarnate? I took the time to sift through the remainder of my beliefs and realized I can count them all in one hand.

One of which is that nothing is as it seems.

Maybe we all have to remember we're all dying sometimes (or that nothing is permanent). It makes us rethink our priorities. Hi garlfriend, this goes for you too.

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