Thursday, January 29, 2009

Apathy (UP Tug-Ani Editorial for January-February 2009 issue)

The other day, while waiting for class, I overheard someone talk about her priorities. She was basically talking about how we've supposedly come to UP first and foremost to study, which was why nobody can blame her if she paid more attention to her academic standing than advocacy posters on the bulletin board. In my mind, I was thinking “What a waste of youth”.

I refuse to believe we Upians are all just content with being above the rest in terms of opportunities because of inherent and acquired intellect. Is it arrogance or optimism to think we are above society and her ills? We are never exempt, unfortunately. We will always be victims of ill-made decisions, whether born of stupidity or out of selfishness.

Maybe you do recognize this, and believe that you're going to be a better contributor to society by finishing your studies first and getting a good headstart at your career. But what happens to the time you spent locked up in your academic ivory tower? None of us truly knows what the future holds. Despite all efforts to stay afloat the academic tide, some of us succumb to external forces (RIP April Mae Sumaylo)

Consider that the average 2nd year UP college student is much better equipped than some of the catalysts of society (i.e. barangay officials). At 18, an individual is considered physically and mentally capable of providing for himself. Considering that the kind of education we get at UP, though not extremely amazing, is still much better than what most get. We've had two years of intellectual stimulation that most of us have never encountered (and sadly might never again encounter) in 17 years of existence. We are exposed to enough “knowledge” to correct ourselves when we're not making sense. If the exposure isn't enough, most of us have at least gone through Philo 1 to know how logic works.

Youth grants us a perspective many lose once they start seeing the world through tired, jaded eyes. Youth grants us the luxury of time. Even though studentry is a responsibility as it is, what it leads to are even bigger responsibilities. Bigger commitments. You won't be able to speak your mind when you're under a boss who thinks otherwise. Trust me, not everyone is as open minded as your UP Hum teacher. You are no longer just a slave to the uno, you become a slave to bills; to your spouse and your children; to your properties; to your bank account; etc etc.

Today is the opportune moment to do what you can for your society, or never. If radicality is too much for you, you can at least pick up the papers and start with being aware with what's going on around you. At least if you decide not to give a rat's ass about society, it is a learned decision and not an ignorant one.

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