Monday, February 09, 2009

Red Paper: It's not like we chose to be painted such.

Gusto ka magbutang ug issues sa tug-ani?

Write for us, so that I dont keep on receiving news articles from the same people, from the same sources. Natural ra nga mao nay mogawas nga mga klase nga balita kay people with vested interests ra man ang molihok sa paper.

Walay ganahan mageffort kung wala silay makuha. I try to be as objective as possible with assignments and stuff. I give out assignments about stuff we pick up from all around school, but nobody meets deadlines, much less end up submitting material. It takes so much time to cajole people into writing about stuff and I'm getting the impression that they merely nod to make me go away. You want to hear a sad story? One supposed writer sent me an article that was a corrupt file, CC'd to someone else. She said the file was her article. I tried asking her about where the article went and she said she'd talk to me about it one of these days. I never heard from her again.

My number is posted all over school. I am so harrass-worthy and yet I never hear from you supposed caring individuals. We're not even running application schemes for people just to work for the paper. We want to make the most of taxpayers' money but nobody cares enough to write about relevant school issues. Same reason why we havent been coming out with issues for the past months. What do you want me to do? Write everything by myself? Lol. I seriously cannot edit myself objectively. I dont even have working assistant editors for crying out loud.

Rey, It's refreshing that you actually care about what the paper says. I also notice that you like writing about school politics. Why don't you write for us? Seriously, all you had to do was ask. I'll even put a column up for you. But I seriously need more news writers. Labi na nga hapit nang election. But I do hope you dont keep writing about color coding in your columns. I noticed your blog entries tend to be formulaic that way. Although LIGAYA would like to be featured sometimes, them being all rainbow colored and sth.

On the headline: It was an irony that we wanted to bring out. It's interesting that a chairperson would go against the stand of the body he represents. Ironies make good headlines. Way personalay, sa maigo lang. Besides, there was another article on his stand on the same page as that article, written also by Idyll because she wrote the first one. I deliberately told her to go get the story a day before we gave it to the publishers because I received her story the previous day pa.

Sayang bitaw ang taxes noh? And if I hadn't published, I'd be hearing the same line.

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