Friday, August 01, 2008

Velveteen: A repost from somewhere

There is a seduction in myths
That draws the mortal man in
To partake of forbidden fruit
To explore the familiar mystery
It is this seduction
That leads you to this grave
That leads you to take this shovel
And dig deep
Until you’ve struck wood
Or is it glass?
AS the strange guards said it would be
Queer folk, half your height
Who left you with crude tools
It is the seduction
That pushes you on
To bury your hands in the dirt
To reveal the glass coffin
Gilded with metal filigree
Inlaid with rich red velvet
Almost as red as her blush
The mock life in her flesh
The red that is her lips
That pushes you on
To find out
If she feels like a real girl

Did you expect she’d wake up?
You did not
But she did
The darker side of dreams come true
You strike at her with your shovel
And her blood is as dark as her hair

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